Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder
them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14
First Baptist Irvington is committed to the future , which is our children. The Children's Ministry along with other ministries are vital. We offer Sunday School, Children's Church, Children Activities, Mission Friends (MF's), Girl's in Action (GA'S) and Royal Ambassadors (RA's). When you visit with us you will see the love and care that our teachers give to your child.

Sunday Mornings
Wednesday Nights
10 am - 12 pm
Sunday mornings provide Sunday school starting at 10 am. Following Sunday School, children are then transitioned into Kids Church. Children are dismissed at 12 pm when a parent or guardian comes to pick them up.
7 pm - 8 pm
On Wednesday nights Irvington Kids provides classes for boys and girls from Nursery to 5th grade.
Boys and Girls K4-K5 will attend Mission Friends.
Boys K-5th grade will attend RA's (Royal Ambassadors).
Girls K-5th grade will attend GA's (Girls in Action).
Boys and Girls K4-K5 will attend Mission Friends.
Boys K-5th grade will attend RA's (Royal Ambassadors).
Girls K-5th grade will attend GA's (Girls in Action).